Thursday 10 November 2011

Major economic steps by new Libya leaders unlikely (AP)

In this Monday, Nov. 7, 2011 photo, stonework detail is seen at Leptis Magna, Libya. The breathtaking ruins of this Roman Empire port city may hold the key to a brighter economic future for Libya, which under Moammar Gadhafi was dangerously dependent on oil revenues. The country's new leaders hope to diversify, with tourism and financial services high on their list. Leptis Magna is deserted as Libya emerges from civil war, but it is only one of the North African nation's potential tourist draws. (AP Photo/David Mac Dougall)AP - Libya's interim government is unlikely to award new oil concessions or take major economic decisions, saving those for an elected leadership, as it focuses instead on restoring security after the country's eight-month civil war, the outgoing finance minister said Thursday.

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