Wednesday 5 October 2011

Insight: On the run, Gaddafi leaves few footprints (Reuters)

Medical and militia officials in Tripoli exhume two corpses from a site they identified as a mass grave containing some 200 bodies, October 5, 2011. The officials said the site, a cemetery which they have not excavated, contains the bodies of people buried just before the fall of Muammar Gaddafi's capital in August.  REUTERS/Ismail Zitouny (LIBYA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST OBITUARY)Reuters - Dressed in rags and holding a cellphone, Muammar Gaddafi sits in the shade of an oasis palm in the southern Libyan desert. He gazes wistfully at signs that say "Niger 450 km," "Burkina Faso 2,700 km," "Algiers, 650 km."

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